Jeremiah 29:11-13

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jer. 29:11-13

Monday, September 19, 2011

Where has the time gone?!

Wow! I can't believe it has almost been two months since I have updated my blog :-/. Life has been flying by and I have enjoyed every minute of it!!! Let's see, where to begin...

August: A busy month, but still time to bond and have fun with the roommates. We decided that it was time to turn our "prison" into a home. We called our apartment a prison because every wall was white and bare. Trying to get paint supplies in a hardware store that doesn't have English posted anywhere or English-speaking workers was an adventure for sure. Lots of miming involved hahahaha. This was a weekend to remember: painting with country music playing in the background, grill cheese and tomato soup for lunch, a trip to Swenson's for a delicious ice-cream break, and pizza for dinner!! Oh and the amazing painting dance moves Justina and I came up with while listening to the Cupid Shuffle! We still need work on the decorating part but got rid of some white walls. Good times indeed!!!

September: This has been a month full of adventure with the students and staff at GES. We had our staff retreat in Pattaya, which was so much fun!!! It was a weekend focused on getting to know both the Thai and English-speaking staff even better. I even had the opportunity to talk with a Thai co-worker about God!!!! How awesome is that?! I also went on my first field trip with Grade 3 and Grade 6 to Ocean World! That place was so cool and very educational for the students!!

Ms. Nichole and Ms. Sarah

Grade 3 and Ms. Sarah

Grade 6 and Ms. Brittney
GES Staff

God has been doing some other amazing things here in Thailand other than these awesome memories that I have :-). I have been given the opportunity to talk with students on multiple occasions one-on-one about God's amazing love. I have also been given two exciting and amazing mission opportunities as well. I will be joining a team with Habitat for Humanity on October 1st to help work on a house in the area. I will also be going with a team to Japan during October break to help serve the people that were affected by the tsunami and are still in need. This trip is just a few weeks away so prayer that final details and financial needs are met and taken care of would be greatly appreciated :-). 

Last, but not least, I wanted to share a picture of my 2nd grade group of students. This group is by far my challenge group. Two boys like to test my patience and push boundaries. One boy and one girl cannot sit still for more that 1 minute at a time. Two of the girls are chatty and tattle on the boys and each other every 5 seconds. One boy is usually in la-la land for most of the class period and when he isn't in la-la land, he is talking to someone. Then of course there is the one girl who is like an angel and can do no wrong. With all of these challenges that I face in the short amount of time that I have them, they never cease to amaze me! Today was one of those days. I was preparing myself mentally before I had to pick them up. I had them the last period of the day.....oh boy. It started off a little rough, but as we began the lesson, every single student was on task!! The students earn tickets for good behavior. They can cash in those tickets for prizes. My student that I struggle with the most proudly announced "Ms. Nichole! Ms. Nichole!! Two more tickets and I can get a prize!!" He hasn't been able to cash in his tickets yet, so it made my heart melt to see his excitement (hopefully it will happen soon!) Oh how I love my job!!

Grade 2 Students. And yes, she is wearing a scarf in 90 degree weather! hahahahahaha